Madhyamik Percentage Calculator | Madhyamik Division Calculator

About This Calculator

This calculator helps you calculate your Madhyamik Percentage, Grade, Division based on your subject marks. Simply enter the marks for each subject, or calculate by total marks.

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Madhyamik Division and Percentage Calculator


The Madhyamik Division and Percentage Calculator is an online calculation tool. It helps the students to calculate the percentage, grade and division by using their total marks. And students can also calculate using their marks of individual subjects.

This tool is especially useful for students who want to know their percentage, grade and division for higher institutional admission.

Formula of Madhyamik Percentage Calculator

Percentage = (Total Marks Obtained / Total Maximum Marks) * 100

Here, Total Marks Obtained = First Language+Second Language+Mathematics+Physical Science+Life Science+History+Geography Total Maximum Marks = 700

To calculate the percentage of total marks obtained in Madhyamik. We first divide the total obtained marks by maximum marks. Then we multiply it into 100.

Formula of Madhyamik grade Calculator

Grades are usually assigned based on percentage ranges. For Madhyamik:
AA (90% to 100%): Outstanding
A+ (80% to 89%): Excellent
A (60% to 79%): Very good
B+ (45% to 59%): Good
B (35% to 44%): Satisfactory
C (25% to 34%): Marginal
D (below 25%): Disqualified

To calculate the grade, we first calculate the percentage. Then we check according to this chart.

Formula of Madhyamik Division Calculator

Divisions are based on total marks obtained. For Madhyamik:
Superstar First Division: total obtained marks >= 630
Star First Division: total obtained marks >= 560
First Division: total obtained marks >= 420
Second Division: total obtained marks >= 315
Third Division: total obtained marks >= 245
No Division: total obtained marks < 245

To calculate the division, we first calculate the total obtained marks. Then we check according to this chart.

Formula of Pass or Fail Calculator

In Madhyamik, students need to achieve a minimum of 25 (written: 22.5 + practical: 2.5) marks in every subject to pass. Madhyamik pass mark is 175 out of 700, i.e. 25%. Here, to pass or fail calculations, students need to fill in all the subject boxes.

Example of Madhyamik Division and Percentage Calculator

Suppose 491 is the total obtained marks of a student. In this case, the output is:
Total Score: 491
Percentage: 70.14%
Grade: A (Very good)
Division: First Division
Status: Pass

How to calculate madhyamik percentage?

Percentage = (Total Marks Obtained / Total Maximum Marks) * 100

How to calculate madhyamik grade?

AA (90% to 100%): Outstanding
A+ (80% to 89%): Excellent
A (60% to 79%): Very good
B+ (45% to 59%): Good
B (35% to 44%): Satisfactory
C (25% to 34%): Marginal
D (below 25%): Disqualified

How to calculate madhyamik division?

Superstar First Division: This is the highest division, awarded when a student scores 630 marks or more out of a maximum of 700 marks.
Star First Division: Students who score between 560 and 629 marks fall into this division.
First Division: This division is for students scoring between 420 and 559 marks.
Second Division: Students scoring between 315 and 419 marks fall into this division.
Third Division: Students scoring between 245 and 314 marks fall into this division.
No Division: Students scoring below 245 marks do not receive a division.

How to calculate pass or fail in madhyamik?

In Madhyamik, students need to achieve a minimum of 25 (written: 22.5 + practical: 2.5) marks in every subject to pass. Madhyamik pass mark is 175 out of 700, i.e. 25%.

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